Saturday, March 15, 2014

FS 3: Episode 4 - Tools of the trade

Episode 4 - Tools of the Trade (Teaching Aids Bank)

Name of the School Observed: Xavier University - Ateneo de Cagayan
Location of the School: Corrales Avenue, Cagayan de Oro City
Date of Visit: February 25, 2014

When I observed the learning resources center at Xavier University. I roamed around first and observed the resources and materials available / useful for my topic. Some resources that were available seem to be useful for my chosen topic which was MECHATRONICS and they are appropriate for  my students. The materials that were available in the learning resources such as chalkboard, whiteboards, books, power point presentation, photocopies, pictures, visual aids and laboratory trainers. I choose those several learning resources because for my topic because I believe that it can help me achieve my lesson objectives and to maximize learning inside the classroom. 
Learning Resources on a Specific Content Area
Click Here
Your Analysis

Give at least three benefits of doing a survey of available materials before making your own materials your own materials? Explain each
1. A teacher must create teaching aids that is well organized and must fit to the learners. It should also be based on the subject area and subject matter. There may be unique learning materials that could be beneficial to the lessons that a teacher will be using in teaching, and by looking at the other materials can give additional information on what to do. Through survey I can gain competence in preparing instructional materials that are appropriate to the learning content, learning objectives and learning styles of my students.
2. Teachers should know the procedures on how to properly use that teaching aid. before a teacher comes to class he/she must have a dry run of the teaching aids to be used. The purpose of that is to make sure it functions well and to know if there is a need for replacement if broken. For a teacher time is of the essence, If you do survey before making your own materials will save you time and effort.

3. Surveying first the learning resource center for available materials will give you ample time to effectively plan your teaching strategy and teaching materials to be used and its appropriateness will be considered.

Your Reflections

1. Which of the materials did you like making the most? Why?

I like making power point presentations because it’s easy for me to put different graphic designs, effects and transitions. I can also insert pictures, video clips and even sounds. My purpose of selecting power point presentation among other instructional materials is to make a clear representation of the subject i am discussing in class

2. What difficulties, if any, did you encounter in making the materials? How did you overcome them?

Maybe, i can say the lack of time in the preparation of the materials to be used in the classroom is one of the problems that I encountered in making the material. To solve this problem is to budget your time, set priorities, and effective time management will be the key.

3. What tips can you give teachers regarding preparation of teaching materials?

The teacher must assess first what are the learning styles of his/her students. He/She must see to it that his/her materials will fit to the learning styles of the students and must be applicable for his/her subject matter for the materials to be effective. If you are teaching the subject for some time, arrange materials by grading period and subject matter for easy retrieval.

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