Saturday, March 15, 2014

FS 3: Episode 6 - Slideshow Biz

Episode 6 - Slideshow Biz (Slide Presentation)

Title of my Presentation: Introduction to MECHATRONICS
1. Define what is MECHATRONICS.
2. Know the disciplinary foundations of Mechatronics.
3. How Mechatronics evolved as a Contemporary Design Paradigm.
4. Know the different Elements of Mechatronics.
5. Applications of Mechatronics.
Subject Matter/Topic: Mechatronics
Enhancement ( Check appropriate box):

    Graphics          [ √ ]        Music                     [    ]       Hyperlink           [ √ ]
    Animation        [ √ ]        Voice Narration   [    ]        Others/please      [    ]
    Sound Effects  [ √ ]         Stylish fonts         [ √ ]        ___________

Description of Appropriate Use:
            The presentation will be used as a tool in teaching-learning process. Specifically it will help in delivery of the lesson more effective. It is also a form of Information Communication Technology integration in the classroom.

Presentation Story Board:
Slide 1

Opening Slide

Slide 2-5

Definition of Mechatonics
Slide 6-10

Disciplinary Foundations of Mechatronics
Slide 11-16

Evolution of Mechatronics
Slide 17-24

Elements of Mechatronics
Slide 25-28

Applications of Mechatronics 
(with video link)

Slide 29

End of Presentation

Your Analysis

After working on your slide presentation, answer the following questions:

What are the good features of a slide presentation?

Good features of a slide presentation includes the following:
  • Short and sweet - one slide should have less than 4 points or lines of text. 
  • Include transitions or effects in your slide to put emphasis on your point, but do not add too many. 
  • Use layouts included in your software 
  • Include photos/pictures in your slides to let your audience know what you are talking about. A picture speaks a thousand words - Try to blend that picture into your background 
  • Use the same theme for your whole presentation - too many themes is confusing. 
  • Use special transitions. 
  • Use links in your presentation. 
  • Make your presentation not too long, nor too short. A 30 minutes presentation with at least 5 points should be okay.
Which of these features are present in the slide presentation you made?

In the power point presentation that I made about "Introduction to Mechatronics", all the good features are present.  

Which features are not present in the slide presentation you made?

I didn't include voice narration and sound effects. I think it is not essential to use it all the time because it brings distraction to the discussion especially when you have a video presentation included in the slide presentation. And also the students will be focused on the discussion presented by the teacher.

Your Reflection 

1. What difficulties, if any, did you encounter in making the slide presentation? How did you overcome them?

For me, I can say that preparing a presentation entails proper planning and length of time are some of the factors to consider. For a busy life of a teacher preparing presentations should be done ahead of time so that your presentation will be done in accordance to what you have planned. A slide presentation should always have those following good characteristics so that the students will not get bored.  

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