Saturday, March 15, 2014

FS 3: Episode 5 - Paper Works

Episode 5 - Paper Works (Preparing Handouts)


Your Analysis

After working on your handout, answer the following questions:

1. What are the good features of a Hand-out?

Make sure that all the important points of the presentation are on the hand out.A good handout must be concise. It can be easily understood by the readers. It must also have the following: 
          a. Definition of terms
          b. Illustrations
          c. Charts 
          d. Diagrams

 2. Which of these features are present in the hand out I made?

Most of these features are present. The handout that I made was concise and comprehensive. The key concepts were emphasized because they are in bold type. I also use bullets, concept map. I contained all the important points of the presentation and I sequenced the details properly to avoid misconceptions.
3. Which features are not present in the Hand-out I made?
Charts and illustration are not found in my hand-out.
Your Reflection

1. What difficulties, if any, did you encounter in making Hand-outs? How did you overcome them?

Lack of reference materials is one of the problems I encountered. I overcome it by sourcing out books fromteachers and searching the internet for references.

2. What tips can you give teachers regarding preparation of Hand-outs?

In the preparation of handouts it should be appropriate in the level of the learners, Moreover presentinformation visually to meet the needs of visual learners. Handouts should be created at the same time thatyou are planning your lesson. This ensures that the information you include will be tailored to that specificsubject matter.