Saturday, March 15, 2014

FS 3: Episode 7 - My E-World

Episode 7 - My E-World (Websites)

Name of Site Author:
Miltiadis A. Boboulos
Name of Site:

Automation and Robotics

Posting or Revision Date:
Organization represented:

Date of Access:

Brief Description of the material in the website:
In this book for the optimisation of assembly conveyor lines we are dealing with series part production featured by a medium complexity degree and a medium number of individual components and assembly technique alternatives. Modern production techniques for medium to large series products or mass production usually involve assembly conveyor lines. The aim is to have monotonous and similar in type operations or such causing fatigue, stress and production traumas, gradually replaced by automated assembly cycles, means and techniques. Assembly alternatives involving automation, and mechanization  programmable and adaptive control have been in addition analyzed.

Evaluation of the website:

With this type of website, students can download eBooks for their subjects like Robotics.

Not all students have gadgets that support eBooks.

Name of Evaluator: Louie Francis J. Naive

At this digital era where technology is the bedrock of education, classroom must integrate technology in its teaching learning process. My FS experience is very informative as a future teacher. The technology used inside the class which is observed is very appropriate for the subject matter which is circuit matter. The teacher uses the internet thereby drawing the interest of the learners.

I also learn that learning is the discovery of personal meaning and relevance of ideas. As a future teacher, I will only facilitate my learners and they are the one who will give the meaning of a concept. Just like for example, my topic is all about the leaf of a plant. I will let them have field trip outside the classroom to observe the leaf of a plant. I will guide them and I will demonstrate first and give some information about the leaf and its parts after that, they will give their own meaning or understanding about the leaf and its parts. Learning is gradual it’s because it is by stages or levels so as a future teacher someday I must extend my patience. 
To be good teacher someday I must have passion to both my work and to my students, I must have also humor in a way that has connection to the topic, also values and attitude, fairness, sincerity and honesty, and professionalism.   

FS 3: Episode 6 - Slideshow Biz

Episode 6 - Slideshow Biz (Slide Presentation)

Title of my Presentation: Introduction to MECHATRONICS
1. Define what is MECHATRONICS.
2. Know the disciplinary foundations of Mechatronics.
3. How Mechatronics evolved as a Contemporary Design Paradigm.
4. Know the different Elements of Mechatronics.
5. Applications of Mechatronics.
Subject Matter/Topic: Mechatronics
Enhancement ( Check appropriate box):

    Graphics          [ √ ]        Music                     [    ]       Hyperlink           [ √ ]
    Animation        [ √ ]        Voice Narration   [    ]        Others/please      [    ]
    Sound Effects  [ √ ]         Stylish fonts         [ √ ]        ___________

Description of Appropriate Use:
            The presentation will be used as a tool in teaching-learning process. Specifically it will help in delivery of the lesson more effective. It is also a form of Information Communication Technology integration in the classroom.

Presentation Story Board:
Slide 1

Opening Slide

Slide 2-5

Definition of Mechatonics
Slide 6-10

Disciplinary Foundations of Mechatronics
Slide 11-16

Evolution of Mechatronics
Slide 17-24

Elements of Mechatronics
Slide 25-28

Applications of Mechatronics 
(with video link)

Slide 29

End of Presentation

FS 3: Episode 5 - Paper Works

Episode 5 - Paper Works (Preparing Handouts)


FS 3: Episode 4 - Tools of the trade

Episode 4 - Tools of the Trade (Teaching Aids Bank)

Name of the School Observed: Xavier University - Ateneo de Cagayan
Location of the School: Corrales Avenue, Cagayan de Oro City
Date of Visit: February 25, 2014

When I observed the learning resources center at Xavier University. I roamed around first and observed the resources and materials available / useful for my topic. Some resources that were available seem to be useful for my chosen topic which was MECHATRONICS and they are appropriate for  my students. The materials that were available in the learning resources such as chalkboard, whiteboards, books, power point presentation, photocopies, pictures, visual aids and laboratory trainers. I choose those several learning resources because for my topic because I believe that it can help me achieve my lesson objectives and to maximize learning inside the classroom. 
Learning Resources on a Specific Content Area
Click Here